Written by craig braddick

Difference Between Retirement Homes and Hospice

Levels Of Care For Elderly

Retirement homes and hospice care are two distinct types of facilities or services that cater to different needs and stages of life, particularly for seniors. Here are the key differences between retirement homes and hospice care:

Retirement Homes:

  1. Purpose: Retirement homes, also known as senior living communities or assisted living facilities, are designed for older adults who are generally healthy and can live independently but may require assistance with some daily activities.
  2. Independence: Residents in retirement homes typically live in private or semi-private apartments or rooms. They have the freedom to manage their daily routines, including meals, medications, and social activities, with varying degrees of assistance available as needed.
  3. Amenities: Retirement homes often provide a range of amenities and services, such as dining options, housekeeping, transportation, and social activities. Some facilities may offer on-site medical care or assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs).
  4. Social Engagement: These communities promote social engagement and interaction among residents, with organized activities, events, and communal spaces for socializing.
  5. Cost: The cost of living in a retirement home can vary depending on factors like location, level of care required, and the amenities provided. Residents typically pay for their accommodation and services.

Hospice Care:

  1. Purpose: Hospice care is a specialized form of healthcare that focuses on providing comfort and support to individuals who are nearing the end of their life, particularly those with a terminal illness. The primary goal is to enhance the quality of life for the patient during their remaining time.
  2. End-of-Life Care: Hospice care is usually provided when curative treatments are no longer effective, and the emphasis shifts to palliative care, pain management, and emotional support.
  3. Location: Hospice care can be provided in various settings, including the patient’s own home, a hospice facility, a hospital, or a nursing home. The choice of location depends on the patient’s preferences and needs.
  4. Comprehensive Care: Hospice care involves a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, and volunteers. They work together to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient and their family.
  5. Cost: Hospice care is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance plans. It is intended to be cost-effective and focuses on the comfort and well-being of the patient, not curative treatments.
  6. Emphasis on Dignity: Hospice care places a strong emphasis on preserving the patient’s dignity and providing compassionate end-of-life care that respects their wishes and choices.

In summary, retirement homes are suitable for older adults who are relatively healthy and independent but may need assistance with daily tasks, while hospice care is provided for individuals with terminal illnesses in need of end-of-life care and pain management. These two types of care serve different purposes and cater to distinct stages of life.

Other Options

In-Home Care

In-home care is intended for seniors who need help in and around their own homes. Typically, these individuals seek daily check-ins and assistance with medication/personal care. Assistance is needed even though these seniors still possess the physical and mental capabilities to survive on their own.

The benefits of this level of care include medical and daily assistance, along with the ability to stay in a comfortable environment. In-home care usually does not last a long time, though. Most seniors that receive in-home care eventually transition to independent or assisted living care communities.

Independent Living

Independent living is a housing arrangement for seniors who have reached the age of 55 and up. However, there are a few exceptions to this. Housing for seniors vary in types, such as apartment living to free-standing homes, including retirement communities. Independent living housing has a friendly atmosphere, allow seniors get around with ease, are more compact, and any maintenance and/or groundwork is taken care of.

Nearly all communities for living independently offer their residents various programs and activities, amenities, and various other services.  Housing for independent living usually include clubhouse and/or recreational centers allowing seniors a chance to interact with others in the community. Independent living also offers community participation in arts, crafts, gatherings on holidays, educational classes, movie nights, among many other community activities.

Assisted Living

Assisted living was a rather new concept just 25 years ago, but today it is one of the quickest growing options in long-term care for seniors. Facilities for assisted living has a large variety of services, providing senior housing solutions for the adults that are still able to live independently and only require certain assistance. Many seniors fin that the option of assisted living offers the amount of care needed for them to continue flourishing in the new stage of life.

There are many communities which charge basic rates to cover all of their services, with extra fees for specialized services. The majority of assisted living communities will charge monthly rates, but have a long-term option as well. Usually, the base rate will cover only room and board with a daily meal service, which is determined by the assisted living community. There are times where entrance fees, laundry, deposits and housekeeping fees apply. However, as these vary at each community, it is significant that you request the individual details from each of the communities you look at, including costs and services.

Respite Care

It’s perfectly normal for you or a loved one to be a bit apprehensive about transitioning to assisted or independent living communities. For many seniors, respite care represents the perfect middle ground between in-home and assisted living care. Respite care is designed for seniors in flux regarding their future living situation. This care could last anywhere from one month to one year. Respite care can be seen as a test run to gauge what level of care an individual may want to receive in the future.

Memory Care

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are the most common memory loss conditions that are included in memory care. This type of specialized care spans through a large availability of services that depend on the severity of the symptoms that a person has such as requiring secure settings to prevent elopement.

Memory care will go beyond what is normally offered in assisted living. Housekeeping, meal prep, laundry services are given but the level of assistance that is needed with daily activities will be increased. Often times, daily activities are created to allow the person to reconnect with favorite interests of hobbies. In recognition of the care challenges for dementia or Alzheimer’s, these communities may only give memory care, or with cases of continuing care communities, have neighborhoods just for residents that require memory care. Often times it is these communities that have design elements that research has shown to lower the stress in those who have dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Nursing Home

Nursing home care is the most concentrated living situation for today’s seniors. Without a doubt, nursing homes provide more invasive caregiving than any other senior community. Seniors that require frequent hospitalizations, with conditions only worsening, should opt for nursing home care.

Find Quality Assisted Living With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from for assisted living services.   With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more SLS delivers seniors the very best assisted living services in Phoenix, Arizona.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Dealing With Parkinson’s Disease

7 Stages Of Lewy Body Dementia

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement. It is caused by the loss of nerve cells in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra. These cells produce a chemical called dopamine, which helps control movement. When these cells die, the level of dopamine in the brain decreases, which leads to the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can vary from person to person and can gradually worsen over time. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Tremors: Involuntary shaking, usually in the hands, arms, legs, jaw, or face
  • Rigidity: Stiffness of the muscles
  • Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement
  • Postural instability: Difficulty with balance and coordination
  • Freezing: Episodes of immobility
  • Speech problems: Slow, slurred speech
  • Depression
  • Sleep problems
  • Cognitive decline

There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms. The most common treatment is medication, which can help improve the symptoms of tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Other treatments include surgery, physical therapy, and speech therapy.

Living with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging, but there are many things that can be done to make life easier. Here are some tips:

  • Stay active. Exercise can help improve balance, coordination, and flexibility.
  • Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for overall health and well-being.
  • Manage stress. Stress can worsen the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, or spending time with loved ones.
  • Stay connected with others. Social support can help you cope with the challenges of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Join a support group. Support groups can provide you with information, support, and understanding from others who are living with Parkinson’s disease.

Coping with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging, but there are many things that can be done to make life easier. Here are some tips:

  • Stay active. Exercise can help improve balance, coordination, and flexibility. It can also help reduce stress and improve mood. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  • Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Choose plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for overall health and well-being. Most adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Manage stress. Stress can worsen the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, or spending time with loved ones.
  • Stay connected with others. Social support can help you cope with the challenges of Parkinson’s disease. Join a support group or connect with others online.
  • Take care of your mental health. Parkinson’s disease can sometimes lead to depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any of these problems.
  • Be patient with yourself. It takes time to adjust to living with Parkinson’s disease. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have setbacks. Just keep moving forward and don’t give up.

Here are some additional resources that may be helpful:

  • Parkinson’s Disease Foundation: https://www.parkinson.org/
  • American Parkinson’s Disease Association: https://www.apdaparkinson.org/
  • National Parkinson Foundation: https://www.parkinson.org/
  • Michael J. Fox Foundation: https://www.michaeljfox.org/

Retirement Communities In Arizona

With independent living communities all across the valley, SLS Communities offers the very best facilities and services for senior citizens. Independent communities are currently located in Sedona, Mesa, Peoria and Surprise, Arizona. Living options include studio, one and two-bedroom apartments, all inside relaxing, resort-style communities. Enjoy weekly trips to shopping, restaurants and entertainment centers. A wide range of activities will be sure to entice all residents, as well!

More Articles About Retirement

Find Quality Assisted Living Care With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Exercises For Back Pain

Middle Back Pain Exercises

Especially for seniors, middle back pain can persist and create a daily hinderance. These exercises listed below will help you manage the pain.

Seated Twist

  • Start by placing a chair on the floor.
  • Sit tall with either your legs crossed or straight out in front of you.
  • Pull your shoulder blades together/downward.
  • Slowly twist your left side while placing your right hand on the outside of your left knee.
  • Place your left hand behind your back for support.
  • Hold the twisting motion for 30 seconds.
  • Return to resting position.
  • Repeat this motion on the other side.

Passive Backbend

  • Place either a rolled up towel or yoga mat on the floor.
  • Lie down with the towel or mat resting beneath your shoulder blades near the middle of your back.
  • Bring your arms away from the body slowly.
  • Rest your arms at a 45-degree angle.
  • Hold this position for 60 seconds.

Corner Stretch

  • Face the corner of the room with your feet together.
  • Keep your feet at least two feet from the corner of the room.
  • Next, place a forearm on each wall.
  • Make sure to keep your elbows below shoulder height.
  • Lean forward while keeping your lower back as neutral as you can.
  • Hold the pose for a good 30-60 seconds.

Back Pain Exercise

Child’s Pose

  • Start off in a kneeling position, keeping your hips and buttocks resting on your lower legs and feet.
  • Spread your knees apart (stay as comfortable as possible).
  • Fold your body forward and bring your chest downward towards your knees.
  • Bring your forehead to the floor with your arms stretched out going forward.
  • Gently rest your hands on the floor.
  • Keep your arms straight.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
  • Return to the upright position gently.

Opposite Arm And Leg Raises

  • Begin this exercise by getting down on all fours.
  • Keep your spine straight for this exercise.
  • Keep hands directly below your shoulders and knees aligned underneath your hips.
  • Slowly reach out with one arm while extending the leg on the opposite side simultaneously.
  • Keep both your arm and leg straight and steady at this time.
  • Hold the pose for a couple seconds before returning to the starting position.
  • Repeat this motion with the opposite arm/leg.
  • Try to do 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Latissimus Dorsi Stretch

  • You are free to perform this exercise either standing up or sitting down.
  • Begin by raising your right hand straight over your head.
  • Bend your elbow, dropping your right hand to your upper back area.
  • Next, put your left hand on your right elbow.
  • Pull your right arm to your left slowly.
  • Bend your body to the left in a straight line while pulling your right elbow.
  • Hold this pose for at least 20 seconds.
  • Repeat the motion on the opposite side.


  • Lie flat on your back, bending your knees at the same time.
  • Feet should be flat on the floor while pulled in as close as possible to the buttocks.
  • Keep arms by your sides.
  • Raise your pelvis to the ceiling while squeezing your buttocks.
  • Your shoulders should support your body weight once elevated above the ground.
  • Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Lower your torso gently back down.
  • Repeat this exercise 12-15 times.

Find Quality Assisted Living With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from for assisted living services.   With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more SLS delivers seniors the very best assisted living services in Phoenix, Arizona.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Favorite Sports For Seniors

Here are some of the favorite sports for seniors:

  • Walking: It is a low-impact activity that is easy on the joints and can be done just about anywhere. It is also a great way to socialize and meet new people.
    Walking sport for seniors
  • Swimming: Swimming is another low-impact activity that is great for the cardiovascular system. It is also a good way to improve flexibility and range of motion.
    Swimming sport for seniors
  • Yoga: Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility, balance, and strength. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety.
    Yoga sport for seniors
  • Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a gentle martial art that combines slow, flowing movements with meditation. It is a great way to improve balance, coordination, and flexibility.
    Tai Chi sport for seniors
  • Pickleball: Pickleball is a relatively new sport that is a cross between tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It is a great way to get some exercise and have some fun.
    Pickleball sport for seniors
  • Golf: Golf is a low-impact sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to get some exercise, fresh air, and sunshine.
    Golf sport for seniors
  • Dance: Dancing is a great way to improve balance, coordination, and flexibility. It can also be a lot of fun.
    Dance sport for seniors

These are just a few of the many sports that are popular among seniors. The best sport for you will depend on your individual interests and abilities.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing a sport for seniors:

  • The level of impact: Some sports are more high-impact than others, which can be hard on the joints. If you have any health concerns, talk to your doctor before starting a new sport.
  • The social aspect: Some sports are more social than others, which can be a great way to meet new people and make friends.
  • The location: If you live in a rural area, you may not have access to all the same sports as someone who lives in a city.
  • The cost: Some sports can be more expensive than others, so you’ll need to factor that in when making your decision.

No matter what sport you choose, make sure to start slowly and gradually increase your activity level. This will help you reduce your risk of injury and maximize your enjoyment.

Retirement Communities In Arizona

With independent living communities all across the valley, SLS Communities offers the very best facilities and services for senior citizens. Independent communities are currently located in Sedona, Mesa, Peoria and Surprise, Arizona. Living options include studio, one and two-bedroom apartments, all inside relaxing, resort-style communities. Enjoy weekly trips to shopping, restaurants and entertainment centers. A wide range of activities will be sure to entice all residents, as well!

More Articles About Retirement

Find Quality Assisted Living Care With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Retiring at 60

Can I Retire At 60 With 500K

With meticulous planning and wise investments, yes, it is possible to retire by the age of 60 with $500,000 in the bank.

If you are searching for “can I retire at 60 with 500k,” this post will be your guide!

Can I Retire With 500K?

Most experts suggest you’ll need to save $1 to $2 million to retire comfortably. While that is a good rule of thumb, it certainly is possible to enjoy retirement without saving that amount of money. In many cases, 500K will be enough to retire on. However, you will need to work out a smart budget and live wisely for your present and future years.

Here are a few tips to follow:

  • Save money early and often.
  • Always maintain a budget.
  • Choose the right location.

Save Money Early And Often

The more money you save during your younger years and working days, the better equipped you will be for retirement. Saving money early and often is a crucial step toward an early retirement. The good news is there are currently many ways to get creative and save money. Take advantage of any extra cash that may come your way, such as a work or performance bonus. Put your extra money into an IRA or a 401(K) plan. Check with your employer to see if they’ll fully match any contributions made toward a retirement plan. If they do, capitalize on this savings opportunity.

Always Maintain A Budget

Enjoy your current lifestyle, but always live within a strict budget. This is another key when building toward a happy and healthy retirement at 60. Keep all your basic living expenses, including housing, healthcare, utilities and transportation on a budget. Go back and look at your monthly or your past year’s expenses and come up with a budget based on those figures. Now, find out what you can cut back on. That might mean fewer nights dining out or vacations, but in the long run the budget will be well worth it.

Choose The Right Location

So, what exactly does this next step mean? Well, you may love the area you live in and trust the school systems, etc, but the experts suggest evaluating everything, and that includes location. Consider the idea of relocating to an area with lower housing prices, if possible. This move, of course, could also apply to your future retirement. With 500K in the bank, you may have to settle on location. You might not be able to live in the location of your dreams. But, if retiring at 60 is one of your dreams, make sure to follow these three steps.

How To Save For Retirement Without A 401k

Retiring Without A 401K Plan

There are a few ways to save money in the absence of a 401k plan. Whether you are unemployed, self-employed or simply seeking other investment options, there is always a plan for your needs. Let’s take a look at a few of the alternatives for savings:

  • Open a solo 401K
  • Save tax refunds
  • Open an IRA

A solo 401k, also known as a self-employed 401k, is perfect for those not expecting to make a large yearly income. With a solo 401k, you are eligible to contribute twice, once as an employee and once as the employer. Participants are allowed to contribute their entire yearly earnings, as long as it does not surpass $19,500. When contributing as the employer, though, the amount will differ. You are allowed to contribute up to 25% of your earnings as the employer. Spouses of solo 401k contributors are eligible for this plan, as well.

Everyone’s gut instinct is to spend, spend, spend when that tax return finally comes back! But, if you can just hold off the urge to spend this money, it could pay off in the long run. Simply saving any tax refunds is the simplest way to invest in your retirement. IRS Form 8888 currently allows taxpayers to deposit refunds directly into two or more savings accounts.

Opening an IRA tends to be the most popular option for individuals without a 401k. There are a couple different IRA options available. A Roth IRA and a traditional IRA can both be great investment options. The only requirement for anyone opening an IRA is that they must be earning an income. However, if you are unemployed but married to someone earning an income, you are eligible for this plan. Self-employed workers commonly choose to open an IRA.

Retired Couple

More Articles About Senior Living

Find Quality Assisted Living Care With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Retiring At Fifty

How To Retire At 50

If you are currently pondering the question of “how to retire at 50,” this post should help! The good news is retiring at 50 is definitely possible if you stay focused, disciplined and financially responsible.

Retirement Planning Steps

If you plan to retire by the age of 50, follow these four steps:

  1. Decide On Early Retirement
  2. Make Lifestyle Adjustments
  3. Save Money Now
  4. Make Wise Investments

Decide On Early Retirement

This may be the biggest key towards early retirement: actually deciding on early retirement. If you wish to retire at 50, you need to settle on that number years in advance to give yourself the best chance to make this a reality. Obviously, you will have a much better chance to successfully retire at 50 when you decide on this when you are 25 years old, compared to 45. This is common sense, but it is a very tough goal to set while you are figuring out a career, climbing the corporate ladder, and raising a family all at the same time. Life certainly gets in the way at times, but do not let anything discourage you from retiring when you wish.

It is suggested that you attempt to accelerate your income to maximize your savings at an earlier age. Pick up a part-time job or start a side business. Or, sometimes just asking for more hours/extra work at your current job can result in more income. Always resist the urge to live at or above your means.

Make Lifestyle Adjustments

The good news is making lifestyle adjustments in this instance does not mean anything drastic needs to be sacrificed. If your plan is to retire earlier than most other workers, then normal savings methods do not apply to you. This means you must re-evaluate all your spending habits, current savings and investment options.

Rid yourself of any unnecessary expenses, which generally consist of going out to eat frequently, vacationing or attending concerts. The next step is to pay off any existing car loans, student loans or debts. The amount of money you save today will be used to enjoy retirement tomorrow.

Save Money Now

This is easier said than done, right? Well, maybe it isn’t so difficult to start saving as soon as possible. Use the four percent rule as a guideline here. This is a rule that says your savings should last at least 30 years, as long as you withdraw 4% of your savings during the very first year of your retirement.

For instance, if you plan to live off a total of $25,000 for the next 30 years of your life, then it is suggested that you have at least $750,000 in savings. Determine out how much you can survive off during your retirement to give yourself the best possible estimate at an exact figure.

Make Wise Investments

The experts commonly say the younger you are, the more room you have for risks, financially speaking. Most believe that even if the market crashes while you are in your 20s, you can still regain enough wealth to live happily and healthy throughout life.

If you want to retire early, though, perhaps making some wise investments rather than gambling on risky stocks, etc is the way to go. Take a conservative approach when it comes to the market. Always make sure to diversify and factor in Social Security benefits when estimating a retirement budget.

Need a retirement calculator? Click right here.

How To Save For Retirement Without A 401K

How Do I Save For Retirement Without A 401k?

Here are three helpful tips for saving for retirement without a 401k plan:

Solo 401k

A solo 401k, also known as a self-employed 401k, is perfect for those not expecting to make a large yearly income. With a solo 401k, you are eligible to contribute twice, once as an employee and once as the employer. Participants are allowed to contribute their entire yearly earnings, as long as it does not surpass $19,500. When contributing as the employer, though, the amount will differ. You are allowed to contribute up to 25% of your earnings as the employer. Spouses of solo 401k contributors are eligible for this plan, as well.

Saving Tax Refunds

Everyone’s gut instinct is to spend, spend, spend when that tax return finally comes back! But, if you can just hold off the urge to spend this money, it could pay off in the long run. Simply saving any tax refunds is the simplest way to invest in your retirement. IRS Form 8888 currently allows taxpayers to deposit refunds directly into two or more savings accounts.

Open An IRA

Opening an IRA tends to be the most popular option for individuals without a 401k. There are a couple different IRA options available. A Roth IRA and a traditional IRA can both be great investment options. The only requirement for anyone opening an IRA is that they must be earning an income. However, if you are unemployed but married to someone earning an income, you are eligible for this plan. Self-employed workers commonly choose to open an IRA.

More Articles About Senior Living

Find Quality Assisted Living Care With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Assisted Living Costs 2023

Assisted Living Cost Phoenix Arizona

The average cost of assisted living in Arizona mirrors the cost to get assisted living in the Phoenix Valley. Some premium services, locations, and areas do cost more. Luxury assisted living facilitates will cost more than cheap assisted living facilities.

  • Low Cost: $1,100 per month
  • Average Cost: $3,500 per month
  • High Cost: $8,300 per month

Cost of Assisted Living Near Me in Arizona by City

Phoenix Arizona

According to Bankrate, the average cost of assisted living in Phoenix is $3,500 per month, or $42,000 per year for a 1 bedroom apartment in an assisted living facility. Seniors do not have to make due with these entry level assisted living communities in Phoenix.  It is possible to find some very luxurious assisted living options in Phoenix for between $3,000 to $4,000 dollars.

Rates in Phoenix can be hard to understand as each facility has different amenities, floorplans, and options.  Don’t disregard some of the higher priced options as once you add up extra costs at a cheaper place, you may pay as much or more!

Tucson Arizona

According to Genworth Cost Of Care Survey, the average cost of assisted living in Tucson, Arizona was about $3,695 per month.

Mesa Arizona

According to Canyon Winds Retirement, This equates to a cost of about $3,150 per month; with low cost average around $1,100 and high costs averaging $6,700SeniorAdvice states “The average daily cost for assisted living in Mesa, Arizona is approximately $105, with costs running between $37 and $223 per day.”

Chandler Arizona

Assisted Senior Living states that a 1 bedroom apartment in an assisted living facility in Chandler, Arizona will cost you around $3,600 per month.

Scottsdale Arizona

The average cost for a single bedroom apartment in an assisted living facility in Scottsdale is about $4,800, much higher than surrounding cities according to assistedliving.org. This is because Scottsdale is known for their high-end, luxury retirement communities.

Glendale Arizona

SeniorHomes.com has a great article that lists the top Glendale Assisted Living Facilities and their associated costs. According to their list, the average cost of assisted living in Glendale, Arizona is around $2,461.

Gilbert Arizona

Caring.com lists 21 assisted living facilities near Gilbert, AZ, with an average of $2,487 monthly rent costs.

Peoria Arizona

According to Desert Winds Retirement, the average cost of assisted living in Peoria, Arizona is $2,948; with low costs ranging around $2,446 and high costs around $3,447.

Surprise Arizona

Chaparral Winds Retirement states that “Assisted living costs in Surprise, Arizona average $3,250; with high costs ranging around $7,072 and low costs ranging around $2,446.”

Sun City Arizona

Cost of Assisted Living in Sun City, Arizona is around $3,150; with low cost ranging around $1,100 and high cost ranging around $6,700, according to senioradvice.com.

Sun City West Arizona

Cost of Assisted Living in Sun City West, Arizona is around $5,477; with low cost ranging around $2,655 and high cost ranging around $8,300.

Sedona Arizona

According to Sedona Winds Retirement, the cost of Assisted Living in Sedona, Arizona is around $4,005; with low cost ranging around $2,206 and high cost ranging around $5,804. Sedona is one of the best places to retire in Arizona.

Youngtown Arizona

Ventana Winds Retirement states that the cost of Assisted Living in Youngtown, Arizona is around $3,293; with high costs ranging around $4,141 and low costs ranging around$2,446.

How To Find Assisted Living Arizona

You can browse assisted living facilities online on SeniorAdvisor.com or SLSCommunities.com to get an idea of what the properties look like, what kind of amenities they have, and what floor plans are available. You will also have a chance to hear from residents and their families who have left reviews about their own person experiences at assisted living facilities.  Reading about assisted living communities online helps narrow down the list of places you’d like to visit when deciding on where you’d enjoy living.  It’s important to keep in mind if the community offers transportation and the distance from shopping, entertainment, and medical services.

Once you have a list of best options it is a great idea to schedule a few tours of your top assisted living facilities. While you’re there tour the inside and outside looking for how well the landscaping is kept along with the overall cleanliness of the facility.  The very best facilities will typically offer to let you sample a meal during your tour.

Assisted Living Budgeting & Value

Before choosing which facility you’d like to live in; take stock is which services you need right now, and also those that you might need in the near future.  Choosing a location that can accommodate your needs today and, in the future, makes it much easier than having to go through the whole process of finding a new senior living facility if the one you’re living in doesn’t have the services you need.  Many of the best assisted living facilities have other on-site communities that can offer additional services, should the need arise.

Choose an assisted living community where the costs for living, services, meals, and other costs are all listed separately and compare it to other facilities where the living conditions are similar but they offer all-inclusive pricing.   There is a chance you will see that there are costs put into all-inclusive pricing that you have no need for and could save money living somewhere that allows you to pick and choose what you need.

Paying For Assisted Living In Arizona

Funding for assisted living in Phoenix differs greatly based on each senior’s financial situation.  A common resource for assisted living is Medicaid.  There are some assisted living options in Phoenix which don’t accept Medicaid, so it is important to ask that question if you believe you’ll need it, before you schedule a tour. The Medicaid Program in Arizona helps provide payment for long-term care services, as well as Medicaid health coverage, to eligible seniors who, because of their medical condition, require help or assisted with daily living activities such as transportation, grooming, dressing, bathing and eating.

Seniors with better financial standing can use a combination of retirement money and social security to fund more luxurious alternative assisted living options.  In some cases, even equity from the family real estate can be used by selling the property or taking a mortgage against it.  In addition, some families choose to rent the real estate as an additional source of monthly income to help pay for assisted living services. Financial planners can help you and your family explore the very best options for how to fund the assisted living costs for a facility you want to live in.

Find Quality Assisted Living With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from for assisted living services.   With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more SLS delivers seniors the very best assisted living services in Phoenix, Arizona.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Best Places To Retire in Arizona 2023

If you are searching for the best places to retire in Arizona for 2023, this guide should help! Furthermore, SLS Communities has great retirement locations in many exciting areas of Arizona. Thousands of retirees flock to Arizona each year to enjoy the moderate climate, escape the snow, and enjoy a state that has dedicated communities, towns, and cities for retirement age Americans.

Best Places to Retire In AZ

We have found a wide variety of places for you to look at when considering your retirement options in Arizona. This list contains something for every senior. If you are looking for a suburban location close to all the major conveniences and facilities we’ve got you covered. But if you are after a more rural, country setting, where you can enjoy the great outdoors in peace, we have options for you too!

Our list looks at a number of factors, the kind of community it is, does it have a diverse population or is it more senior-oriented, what is it like to live there, what can you do when you live there, how close is it to amenities and so on.

In short, we hope it will give you a snapshot of what these places will be like should you choose to live there.

  1. Sun City, Arizona

Sun City Arizona - Best Places to Retire

An exciting and vibrant planned retirement community just west of Phoenix, Sun City has the reputation of being perhaps the most senior-oriented city in the state. It features great stores, from the well-known chains to small boutiques, a wide array of medical professionals and facilities geared for the senior. Also, in many areas licensed golf carts can travel on roads! With nearly three-quarters of the city being of senior age or above, you will feel right at home with many social clubs and sports like pickleball, bowling, and golf.

  1. Sun City West, Arizona

Sun City West AZ - Best Places to Retire

Sun City West has grown quickly and established itself as one of the top 25 places in the nation to retire to and with good reason! Like Sun City, it was planned and built with the senior in mind. Although not quite as large as Sun City itself, it combines a cozy feel with easy access to everything in Sun City. Not that you will run out of things to do in Sun City West that offers a wide variety of sports and lots of different social clubs for various interests. According to SmartAssets, Sun City West as the best place to retire in Arizona.

  1. Peoria, Arizona

Peoria AZ - Best Places to Retire

Situated in the northern suburbs of the Phoenix metropolitan area, the popularity of Peoria continues to grow every year with seniors looking for a place to live close to all the major amenities and convenience of a major city (it’s only 11 miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.) It’s surrounded by some of the most beautiful desert mountain landscape in the nation. With an average low in winter of 55 degrees and an average summer high of 95 degrees, it is an ideal climate for many seniors looking to relocate!

Best Retirement Community in Peoria, AZ

Desert Winds - Best Retirement Community in AZ

Desert Winds is the best retirement community in Peoria Arizona that offers Assisted Living, Pathway Assisted Living & Memory Care services. Call Desert Winds Retirement Community today at (623) 362-1200!

Desert Winds Retirement Community is located next to the border of Peoria & Sun City Arizona. They are located near tons of great shopping locations, tasty restaurants, golf courses, sports arenas, cultural centers, medical offices and more. Desert Winds is known as the best retirement community in Peoria Arizona.

  1. Tucson, Arizona

Tucson AZ - Best Places to Retire

With a population of just over half a million, Tucson continues to grow and is a great option for seniors wanting to be part of bustling city life. The city itself is a combo of the very modern and old western charm and flavor. With over 300 days of sunshine per year, it is a favorite with outdoor lovers. The city is a popular destination for lovers of the arts with many theatres and galleries and if you are looking for a city where you can enjoy the company of younger people, it is home to the University of Arizona!

  1. Nogales, Arizona

Nogales AZ - Best Places to Retire

Situated on the Arizona-Mexico border, Nogales is blessed with a cooler summer climate that most of Arizona. An average daily high of just 77 degrees makes it ideal for seniors looking for a more temperate climate. It is a favorite place for walkers and hikers as the trails are not as extreme as other areas in the state. Being a border town, it will help if you can speak Spanish or be familiar with Mexican culture to take full of advantage of what Nogales has to offer.

  1. Prescott, Arizona

Prescott Arizona - Best Places to Retire

One of the most historic towns in Arizona, Prescott, less than two hours from Phoenix, yet at an elevation of nearly 5500 feet has maintained its small-town feel despite a population of around 40,000. Whiskey Row (the main strip for nightlife) dates to frontier times. Increasingly popular with baby boomers, Prescott offers a cooler climate than Phoenix with older even historic, housing available downtown and modern retirement complexes available on the outskirts.

  1. Yuma, Arizona

Yuma Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Yuma is known as just about the sunniest and driest spot in the USA. They get less than three inches of rain per year and over 330 days of sunshine! The city predates the 1849 California Gold Rush and much of the architecture of the city reflects that era. Lying on the banks of the Colorado River, Yuma has long been a US Army base and today still has a strong military community. Many seniors love Yuma as the cost of living is reasonable and there are many top-notch RV and mobile home communities.

  1. Prescott Valley, Arizona

Prescott Valley Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Prescott Valley is the younger brother of Prescott. A planned community originating in the 1960’s it has now expanded and virtually joined at the hip with Prescott as suburbs creep ever closer to each other. It is slightly cheaper than Prescott for seniors to live, especially as you go further east towards Humboldt-Dewey and Mayer, but with most local amenities still in Prescott, a car is essential. Prescott Valley is very senior-friendly with many activities and groups to interest the senior.

  1. Litchfield Park, Arizona

Litchfield Park AZ - Best Places to Retire

Located in the western suburbs of Phoenix, this small community (less than 6000) has an increasing senior population and may be ideal for seniors looking to permanently relocate to Arizona. Most people in Litchfield Park own their home and the community is known for embracing traditional American values. With an air force base nearby, it has a patriotic vibe. Although local senior-oriented amenities are fewer, everything is just a short car ride away in Phoenix.

  1. Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale AZ - Best Places to Retire

One of the wealthiest cities in the country for its size, Scottsdale is home to many rotating arts festivals and fashion shows throughout the year and many seniors call the place home. It is also home to many private golf and country club communities, as well as being the home of The Phoenix Open (now sponsored by Waste Management.) Scottsdale is also home to many corporations and small businesses. Scottsdale is not the most affordable area in Arizona but has a lot to offer if it is within your budget.

  1. Mesa, Arizona

Mesa AZ - Best Places to Retire

Situated in the heart of the east valley, the growing population of Mesa (fast approaching 500,000) has made it one of the most diverse and affordable cities in Arizona with a wide range of housing options and communities for nearly every taste. Seniors enjoy having access to shopping close by from the major brand stores to independent small businesses, as well as access to nearly all forms of medical care. Mesa is a diverse community, upbeat and friendly, therefore welcoming to the active senior.

According to NewHomeSource, Mesa is one of the best cities to retire in Arizona.

Best Retirement Community in Mesa, AZ

Ventana Winds - Best Retirement Community in AZ

Canyon Winds Retirement Community is the best retirement community in Mesa Arizona that offers Assisted Living, Pathway Assisted Living & Memory Care services. Call Ventana Winds Retirement Community Today at (623) 583-2460!

  1. Florence, Arizona

Florence AZ - Best Places to Retire

East of the east valley and nearly 60 miles from Phoenix, the city of Florence situated along US Route 60 is gradually becoming a more popular destination with seniors. A low cost of living is slightly offset by the fact you will have to drive to Apache Junction and Mesa for major grocery and big box stores. There is also a lack of dining options in the area. That said, the Sonoran Desert views are spectacular, and it is a few degrees cooler than the Phoenix metro area.

  1. Sierra Vista, Arizona

Sierra Vista Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Sierra Vista enjoys a great year-round climate and the cost of living is below average for Arizona!. Of course, being the hummingbird capital of the United States, if birdwatching is one of your hobbies then you are going to find joy in being surrounded by all sorts of birds that are not common in other areas of Arizona.

The closest airport is a 68-mile drive, but it’s still closer than some other locations on the list. But, to balance things out, there are many things to keep busy with. In warmer months, the Sierra Vista Aquatic Center is available for locals, which is known as The Cove by many. There are also the therapy spas, lap pools, and wave pool available.

  1. Kingman, Arizona

Kingman Arizona - Best Places to Retire

With just over a population of 28,000, Kingman offers many amenities for being a smaller place and is one of the best small towns in Arizona to retire. This is the location of the International Route 66 Festival, which is an event that lasts four days with a parade, car show, and much more. Also, just off the historic road is The Roadrunner Café, which continues to provide great breakfasts to locals and travelers.

Although, if you are interested in traveling by airport, you will have a 102-mile road trip ahead of you, which will likely take you down the historic route.

  1. Sahuarita, Arizona

Sahuarita Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Just outside Tucson, Sahuarita is one of the fastest-growing cities in Arizona. With Tucson only twenty minutes away there is plenty of great dining and shopping options as well as medical professionals and facilities available for the active senior.

It is ranked as one of the safest cities in Arizona and there are many festivals and attractions for fun, including the annual Fiesta Sahuarita. Because Sahuarita has a high standard of living and a rapidly increasing population the cost of living is increasing but there are no property taxes.  There are not as many retiree specific amenities as some cities but there are plenty of parks and over 17 miles of local trails.

  1. Green Valley, Arizona

Green Valley AZ - Best Places to Retire

Green Valley is one of the most affordable senior-friendly cities in Southern Arizona. Situated just 20 miles south of Tucson, over 80% of the community is age-restricted and golf carts are legal to be driven on the streets. It is becoming very popular with active seniors because there are more than a dozen recreation centers, golf courses, swimming pools, fitness centers and a thriving arts and entertainment community.

A big reason for Green Valley’s increased popularity is the climate. The average year-round temperature is just under 69 degrees Fahrenheit. The dry warm climate is also popular for those with arthritis. With Tucson less than a half-hour drive away, there are plenty of shopping choices and medical options within easy reach.

According to Niche, Green Valley is the #1 place to retire in Arizona.

  1. Cave Creek, Arizona

Cave Creek Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Situated in far northern suburbs of Phoenix, Cave Creek, at an elevation of just over 2200 feet is increasingly popular with seniors. People have lived in the area for over 1400 years but Cave Creek came of age in the 1950s and 60’s and still has a lot of the post WW2 charm with a big helping of old west architecture and street layouts. Seniors are moving to the Cave Creek area as it is slightly cooler than Phoenix, the landscape is more of a lush desert with beautiful views of Black Mountain. The cost of living is slightly less than Phoenix, too!

All the conveniences of the big city are just a short drive away. With low crime rates and great dining options, Cave Creek will only continue to grow in popularity.

  1. Paradise Valley, Arizona

Paradise Valley Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Paradise Valley is truly one of the most luxurious but also most expensive places to retire to in Arizona. The average property price is pushing $1.5 million dollars and the average household income is approaching $200,000 per annum. There are twelve very upscale resorts in Paradise Valley offering fine dining, spas and golf. High-end shopping abounds in Paradise Valley a nearby Scottsdale. With phoenix close by, Paradise Valley is also a hub for arts and entertainment and the wealthy local population ensures all kinds of medical doctors are available.

It is also very warm indeed. With temperatures often over 100 degrees for extended periods during the day in summertime and goes down to an average of 54 in January. Crime rates are about half the national average meaning it is a very safe place to live.

  1. Cottonwood, Arizona

Cottonwood AZ - Best Places to Retire

Cottonwood is a small town located in Central Arizona, the scenery is pretty and it is geared more for the outdoor country lifestyle than towns and cities in more suburban areas. Traditional its outlook, Cottonwood is probably best suited to independent seniors. Although it is a small town (population under 13,000) the nearby Verde Valley Medical Center is an award-winning facility.

Cottonwood has the advantage of being very walkable, though temperatures often top 100 degrees in the summertime. There are lots of activities geared for seniors however and plenty of music options and festivals throughout the year. The largest city of note is Prescott, nearly 60 miles away so there will be a bit of a drive if you want certain shopping options.

  1. Golden Valley, Arizona

Golden Valley AZ - Best Places to Retire

In the heart of Mohave County, Golden Valley is a quiet town but close enough to the cities of Kingman and Bullhead City to have everything the senior needs within a short drive. It is a very affordable place to live with average house prices less than $125,000. The temperatures in winter are mild and in the summer time somewhere between the mid 70’s and mid 90’s with the occasional high in excess of 100 degrees.

Golden Valley is situated in the desert and there are still plenty of undeveloped areas in the city and its surroundings. if you are looking to buy land and develop it, Golden Valley is definitely worth checking out. It is definitely a place for the active senior who enjoys rural life and is not dependent on having large shopping, dining and medical facilities on their doorstep.

  1. Sedona, Arizona

Sedona Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Sedona Arizona is a well-known tourist destination, hosting many activities and sights to see for retirees. For example, Sedona is most known for their “Red Rocks“, which were seen in countless western films like, Jimmy Stewart’s “Broken Arrow”. The color effects displayed on the sandstone rocks during the sunrises and sunsets in Sedona are amazing! This beauty coupled with moderate climates and mountains that stretch for miles has made Sedona one of the most sought after retirement communities in the United States and one of the best places to live in Arizona for Seniors.

According to at least one source, Sedona Arizona is actually rated as one of the top 20 retirement destinations in the country. The arts and hiking are of the most notable here. Many music and film events such as the International Film Festival are hosted in Sedona, but most choose Sedona for its beautiful setting and warm climate.

Best Retirement Community in Sedona, AZ

Sedona Winds - Best Retirement Community in AZ

Sedona Winds is the best retirement community in Sedona Arizona offering Assisted Living, Senior Independent Living, and Memory Care. Call Sedona Winds Retirement Community today at (928) 284-1021! Sedona Winds offers a plethora of amenity packages, activities, and retirement home floor plans to choose from.

  1. Youngtown, Arizona

Sedona Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Youngtown Arizona is the home of the oldest retirement community in Arizona and in the United States of America. Youngtown relinquished its age restriction in 1999. Since then, Youngtown’s demographics evolved quickly making this town must-see if you are visiting the Phoenix Valley in search of retirement communities.

Youngtown sits right in between Olive Avenue and Grand Avenue on the south side.  Youngtown is located around many great amenities and is a little over 30 minutes away from the downtown area in Phoenix. Freeway Access: Youngtown is close to the 303 and 101 freeways ensuring easy access to entertainment, sporting events, shopping, restaurants, and recreation. Due to its compact size, Youngtown Arizona is a perfect retirement community for bicycling and walking.

Best Retirement Community in Youngtown, AZ

Ventana Winds - Best Retirement Community in AZ

Ventana Winds is the best retirement community in Sun City / Youngtown Arizona that offers Assisted Living, Pathway Assisted Living & Memory Care services. Call Ventana Winds Retirement Community Today at (623) 583-2460!

  1. Surprise, Arizona

Sedona Arizona - Best Places to Retire

Surprise Arizona is located 45 minutes away from Phoenix, Surprise connects all aspects of your life including recreation, family, and work. Surprise is a charming community that is surrounded by the open Sonoran Desert, a regional lake, and mountain parklands.

Surprise neighborhoods are distinctive, clean, and unique. 9 out of 10 Surprise residents recommend Surprise to start a business. Surprise Arizona was founded by Flora Mae Statler in 1938. In 1938 Peoria was just 1 single square mile of farmland. In 2013, Surprise has grown to 120,000+ people in 2013. Statler’s daughter was convinced that she thought Surprise would never really amount to much.

Best Retirement Community in Suprise, AZ

Chaparral Winds - Best Retirement Community in AZ

Chaparral Winds is the best retirement community in Surprise Arizona that offers Independent Living, Assisted Living,  & Memory Care services. Call Chaparral Winds Retirement Community today at (623) 544-4777!

Chaparral Winds Retirement Community is located on the border of Surprise Arizona and Sun City. Their retirement community offers many options to meet all of your retirement needs. They are conveniently located next to everything one might need including terrific restaurants, great shopping, cultural centers, golf courses, medical offices, and sports arenas.

Locations That Still Need Enriching

Best Places to Retire in Arizona

Each cactus has barbs of its own, and Arizona provided some among these great havens for retirees. El Mirage was ranked at the bottom of the list, with very poor scores in both weather and amenities, with an average summer temperature of 95 degrees. Trailing close behind was Marana, with few amenities for retirees, and a higher crime rate. While Avondale is a pretty location, it also came in the bottom of the list due to extreme summer temperatures and the crime rate.

With these locations aside, there is a lot that Arizona has to offer. For those that are seeking adventure or simply wanting to relax on the poolside, this state is able to shine some light on your golden years.

Why retire in Arizona?

The biggest reasons to retire in Arizona is there are major tax breaks, allergy-free living, beautiful parks, perfect weather, world renowned gold courses, plenty of diversity, and great health care according to LeisureCare.

Best small towns in Arizona to retire

The best small towns to retire in Arizona are Youngtown, Peoria, Sun City, Sedona, and Green Valley.

Is Arizona a good place for retirees?

Yes, Arizona is a great place for retirees to live and retire. According to SmartAsset, “Arizona, the land of cacti and dry heat, is understandably a popular place to retire, especially if you lived in a cold-weather place during your career and you’re eager to escape the snow. Certain cities in The Grand Canyon State, though, are even more appealing to retirees than others.”

Is Arizona a good state to retire in?

Kiplinger says there are many great places to retire in Arizona. According to Kiplinger, “Many other retirees have settled in Arizona year-round. The nation’s first active adult retirement community sprouted in Youngtown, Ariz., in 1954, and today 17% of the state’s 7.2 million residents are 65 and older.”

SLS Retirement Communities

We have 4 locations open and another location under construction in the state of Arizona which offer a variety of services and living arrangements. From independent living to fully assisted living we complement our services with highly sought after amenities including memory care.  See below for the locations we currently have available.

Written by craig braddick

Best Retirement Communities In Arizona 2023

If you are searching for the best retirement communities in Arizona for 2021, this guide should help! Furthermore, SLS Communities has great retirement locations in many exciting areas of Arizona. Thousands of retirees flock to Arizona each year to enjoy the moderate climate, escape the snow, and enjoy a state that has dedicated communities, towns, and cities for retirement age Americans.

Read more about the top retirement communities in Arizona and some of the best cities to retire in.

  1. Ventana Winds Retirement Community

Ventana Winds is located in Youngtown, Arizona and offers two options for retired living communities, Assisted Living and Memory Care.  There are 2 well manicured courtyards with walkways that wind through the lush landscaping and gardening.

Ventana Winds Living Quarters & Amenities

Living Quarters: Ventana Winds has 2 large apartment style floor plans outfitted with everything you need.

Living Quarter Amenities: Each apartment has a large kitchenette, microwave, refrigerator, individual air & heat, ceiling fans, bay windows, window treatments, private balcony or patio, large floor plans and walk in closets.

Community Amenities: The facility boasts large grounds, an activity room, TV room, Library, Billiards, resort style dining, sparkling pool, and offers transportation to residents.

Ventana Winds Retirement Living Options

Ventana Winds has 2 retirement options to choose from including Assisted Living and Memory Care.

About Youngtown Arizona

Youngtown, Arizona is one of the oldest retirement communities in Arizona and the nation as a whole.  While it started as an age restricted retirement community that rule was lifted in 1999.  Since then the demographic makeup of the population has diversified making it a great place to live at any age.  The town sits between Grand Avenue and Olive Avenue on the south side.  Youngtown is located near many wonderful amenities and is only about a half hour away from downtown Phoenix.  This makes getting to cultural events quick and easy.  The 101 or 303 freeways make it easy to get to all of the concerts, sporting events, shopping, dining, recreation and entertainment you want.

  1. Sedona Winds Retirement Community

Sedona Winds located in Sedona, Arizona offers all 3 types of retirement care to cover the particular needs of each resident.  They offer Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care.  This means that no matter what the needs of a resident are services can be tailored to meet the needs of each person and provide them the independence they want.

Sedona Winds Living Quarters & Amenities

Sedona Winds Retirement Community, located in Sedona, Arizona, offers all 3 types of retirement care to cover the particular needs of each resident.  They offer Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care.  This means that no matter what the needs of a resident are services can be tailored to meet the needs of each person and provide them the independence they want.

Living Quarters: Sedona Winds offers varied floor plans for care that include apartment style living and large floor plans.

Living Quarter Amenities: The living quarters are appointed with large kitchenettes, refrigerators, microwaves, ceiling fans, individual AC & heat, bay windows, window treatments, walk in closets, and a private patio or balcony.

Community Amenities: The community amenities include transportation to appointments and all of the exciting activities in the area, a sparking pool

Sedona Winds Retirement Living Options

Sedona Winds has 3 retirement options to choose from including Assisted Living, Independent Living and Memory Care.

About Sedona Arizona

Sedona, Arizona is one of America and Arizona’s well known jewels for tourists and features lots of great sights and activities for people of all ages.  The area features iron rich landscapes that have given way to that red rock look that the southwest is associated with.  Sedona has been featured in many westerns including Jimmy Stewart’s “Broken Arrow”.  Sunrises and sunsets over the mountains and towers of red rock sandstone offer residents and visitors beautiful displays.  The stunning natural beauty of  the area paired with the mountains and moderate climate have made Sedona one of the Country’s most popular retirement options.  With a wide variety of activities, wonderful views, vibrant arts and music scene Sedona is consistently in the top 20 retirement destinations in the United States.

We have discovered the top locations to just sit back and get the enjoyment of retirement within the Copper State.

When those who live outside of Arizona, the first things that likely come to mind is the Wild West, the summer heat, and of course the Grand Canyon. However, the state has so much more to offer, especially when talking about retirees and having a great place to call home.

  1. Chaparral Winds Retirement Community

Chaparral Winds is known as one the best retirement communities in Surprise Arizona that offers Independent Living, Assisted Living,  & Memory Care services. Contact Chaparral Winds Retirement Community today at (623) 544-4777! Chaparral Winds is located on the border of Surprise and Sun City, Arizona. Their community offers many retirement living options to meet all of your needs. Chaparral Winds is conveniently located next to anything one might need including great shopping, terrific restaurants, gold courses, cultural centers, medical offices and sports arenas. They have a large 12 acre campus that accommodates several pools, courtyards, putting greens and more.

Chaparral Winds Living Options & Amenities

Retirement Living Options:

Chaparral Winds offers 7 different floor plans for Independent living, 3 different floor plans for assisted living and 2 different floor plans for Memory. Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments are available.

Retirement Community Amenities:

  • Gated Entry. To keep residents safe and secure
  • Licensed & Certified Caregivers. 24/7 licensed and certified caregivers on staff
  • Chef Prepared Meals. 3 meals per day prepared by an in-house chef
  • Entertainment. Indoor & Outdoor entertaining areas
  • Large Casita Floor Plans. 1425-1550 sq ft floor plans
  • Live Entertainment. Live entertainment on-site several times per month
  • Housekeeping. Housekeeping many times a month
  • All Utilities Includes. All utilities included including cable TV
  • Activities, Arts & Crafts. A rich program full of activities

Chaparral Winds Retirement Living Options

Chaparral Winds has 3 retirement options to choose from including Assisted Living, Independent Living and Memory Care.

  1. Desert Winds Retirement Community

Desert Winds is one of the best retirement communities in Peoria, Arizona that offers Pathway Assisted Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care services. Contact Desert Winds today at (623) 362-1200! Desert Winds is located next to the border of Peoria & Sun City, Arizona. They are located near tons of tasty restaurants, great shopping locations, gold courses, cultural centers, sports arenas, medical offices and more.

Desert Winds Living Options & Amenities

Retirement Living Options:

Desert Winds offers 4 different floor plans for Independent living, 3 Independent Casita floor plans, 3 different floor plans for assisted living and Memory care apartments are available.

Retirement Community Amenities:

  • Gated Entry. To keep residents safe and secure
  • 24 Hour Caregivers. 24/7 licensed and certified caregivers on staff
  • Resort Style Dining. Meals are prepared by an in-house chef
  • Entertainment. Indoor & Outdoor entertaining areas
  • Onsite Beauty/Barber. Full service hair salon/barber on-site
  • Exercise & Fitness. Fitness facility on-site
  • Housekeeping. Housekeeping 2 times per month
  • All Utilities Includes. All utilities included including cable TV
  • Activities, Arts & Crafts. A rich program calendar full of activities

Desert Winds Retirement Living Options

Desert Winds has 3 retirement options to choose from including Assisted Living, Independent Living and Memory Care.

  1. Canyon Winds – Best Luxury Retirement Community

Canyon Winds is the best luxury retirement community in MesaArizona that offers Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care services. Contact Canyon Winds Retirement Community Today at 480-948-0600!

Canyon Winds Living Options & Amenities

Retirement Living Options:

Canyon Winds offers large 1 & 2 bedroom Assisted Living, Independent Living & Memory Care apartments.

Retirement Community Amenities:

  • Licensed & Certified Staff. 24/7 licensed and certified staff
  • Delicious Meals. 3 meals per day prepared by chef
  • Entertainment. Indoor & Outdoor entertaining areas
  • Onsite Salon. Full service hair salon on-site
  • Theater Room. Watch movies in a state-of-the-art theater room
  • Live Entertainment. Live entertainment on-site several times per month
  • Spacious Activity Room. Play bingo, bridge, bunco and more in a spacious activity room
  • Gym & Pool. Holds daily exercise classes in the gym and swimming pool w/ hot tub
  • Arts & Crafts. Find interest groups, crafting classes and more

Next up, see the best cities/places to retire in Arizona.

Canyon Winds Retirement Living Options

Canyon Winds has 3 retirement options to choose from including Assisted Living, Independent Living and Memory Care.

SLS Retirement Communities

We have 4 locations open and another location under construction in the state of Arizona which offer a variety of services and living arrangements. From independent living to fully assisted living we compliment our services with highly sought after amenities including memory care.  See below for the locations we currently have available.

Written by craig braddick

Independent Living Costs 2023

How Much Does Independent Senior Living Cost

Independent senior living costs an average of $3,750 per month in the U.S. in 2023. Monthly costs will range all the way from $1,500-$6,000, depending on location and quality of facility, according to WhereYouLiveMatters.

What Is Independent Living?

Independent living is a housing arrangement for seniors who have reached the age of 55 and up. However, there are a few exceptions to this. Housing for seniors vary in types, such as apartment living to free-standing homes, including retirement communities. Independent living housing has a friendly atmosphere, allow seniors get around with ease, are more compact, and any maintenance and/or groundwork is taken care of.

Nearly all communities for living independently offer their residents various programs and activities, amenities, and various other services.  Housing for independent living usually include clubhouse and/or recreational centers allowing seniors a chance to interact with others in the community. Independent living also offers community participation in arts, crafts, gatherings on holidays, educational classes, movie nights, among many other community activities.

The housing for independent living might even offer other facilities like fitness centers, golf courses, swimming pools, interest groups, a variety of clubs, and tennis courts. There are many other services that independent living communities may offer, such as: beauty & barber shops, on-site spas, basic housekeeping, daily meals, and laundry services.

After all, independent living facilities are usually focused on those who have reached the age of 55 and up, created and designed to give an atmosphere of living independent, but with assistance available in areas where it may be needed. Hiring in-home help is an option for those who feel they need it.

Paying For Independent Living

Any senior considering a move to an independent living community can expect to pay anywhere between $1,000-$10,000 per month. Generally, there is a one-time fee that comes with independent living communities. This fee can range from $500-$1,500. Budgeting and planning must be a large part of any move to an independent community. Many seniors these days feel as though their retirement savings may not be enough long-term.

In most cases, independent living can be seen as an investment, so don’t let the initial costs turn you off. Do the extensive research and compare multiple communities, then come up with a budget.

Independent Living Cost Breakdown

These are the typical costs associated with independent living:

  • Daily/weekly housekeeping.
  • Activities.
  • Utilities.
  • Transportation.
  • Daily meals and snacks.
  • Emergency systems.
  • Maintenance.


Independent Living Benefits

Living in an independent living community is a perfect option for seniors who can still do their daily tasks but who are looking for added benefits that are found in senior living communities. Here are some examples of the benefits independent living communities has to offer.

Maintenance-Free Living

One of the greatest upsides of independent living is freedom from the day to day tasks associated with homeownership. Your loved one will no longer be responsible for taking care of the yard or repairing a running toilet. Maintenance and housekeeping employees are available to take on these and other tasks so they can focus on other aspects of their life.

All-Inclusive Rent

Days of numerous bills are long gone. In an independent living community, every bill – think utilities, rent, and even the cable bill — are combined into one, easy, monthly payment.
The general cost of moving into an independent living community can additionally be financially beneficial. If your loved one is downsizing from their present home, independent living can help decrease their monthly spending and allow them to use their money in other ways.

Proper Nutrition

One of the greatest concerns as people get older is not eating right if it is from the food quality or from not receiving the right nutrients.
It could be for dietary reasons because they don’t want to cook, or both, seniors in independent living can add on meal services. Specifically, Canyon Winds Retirement Community is staffed with a high caliber chef who prepares fresh meals every day. In addition to cooking with quality ingredients, dietary requirements – like low sodium – can also be fulfilled. A lot of independent communities also employ dietitians with an emphasis on senior nutrition and can be an invaluable resource to guarantee that they are eating healthy.

Private Living, With A Community Setting

An additional benefit of independent living is the harmony between enjoying their privacy but also participating in an active community. From joining the multiple activities taking place around the community every day to being involved in on meal service, to taking advantage of exercise rooms and other amenities, they can take advantage of everything the community has to offer as little or as much as they like.

Social Interactions

Getting older comes with uncommon challenges – One of them is making new friends. But living in an independent community means they’re surrounded by others in similar stages of life. And without additional responsibilities like home upkeep or grocery shopping to be concerned about — plus a team of employees who are committed to planning daily activities — making it easy to connect with like-minded people and take in the benefits of continual social interactions.

Retirement Communities In Arizona

With independent living communities all across the valley, SLS Communities offers the very best facilities and services for senior citizens. Independent communities are currently located in Sedona, Mesa, Peoria and Surprise, Arizona. Living options include studio, one and two-bedroom apartments, all inside relaxing, resort-style communities. Enjoy weekly trips to shopping, restaurants and entertainment centers. A wide range of activities will be sure to entice all residents, as well!

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Find Quality Assisted Living Care With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

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