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Dealing With Aging Parents Depression

To deal with aging parents depression it’s important to ensure they’re taking medications, getting enough activity, sleep, social interaction, good nutrition, and they have a sense of purpose.

8 Best Ways To Deal With Depression In Seniors

We all go through upsetting changes in different stages of our lives.  However seniors have a tendency to experience more depression.  This is typically due to being retired and not having a daily rhythm that helps them stay active.  See to it that your parent or parents are following these guidelines to prevent or to recover from depression.

1. Taking Prescriptions

If your loved one has sought treatment for depression and has medications to help cope with and defeat depression it’s important they are being taken. In addition any other medications that are prescribed should be monitored to ensure their health is in tip top shape.  A lack of energy can also lead to depression.

2. Get Them Moving

Physical activity is important at every age, including when we retire.  Not only does physical activity help with depression but it also helps seniors live longer.  Great exercises for seniors include things like doing Tai Chi, walking, or climbing stairs.  To maximize the benefit of exercise it’s a great idea to get the senior into a group who gets regular activity.

3. Quality Sleep Is Key

The first step to great nightly sleep is not taking naps in the daytime.  While this is temping for just about any of us, it will make it harder to go to sleep and stay asleep at night.  Lots of seniors get off their sleep rhythm whenever they retire.  Knowing there’s no alarm that’s going to sound to get to work at 8 makes it seem ok to stay up all night watching TV.  This type of habit aggravates depression and should be avoided.

4. Staying Social

It’s all too easy to isolate when we retire.  But as social beings we still need to have interaction.  Being around other people, especially peers, helps us feel connected.  It also helps us eat better, avoid depression, and simply live better. Great ways to stay social for seniors are community events, visiting family and friends, along with taking part in group outings through communities and church groups.

5. Eating Well

Diet has an impact on how all of us feel, and it’s still true for seniors.  Eating foods that are excessively starchy, full of sugar, or contain saturated fats feed depression.  Offer seniors foods that are rich in fiber such as lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

6. Having Purpose

Having something to get up for is a big part of living.  When we retire there’s not always a job to go to or chores to take care of.  It’s important for us to feel like there’s a reason to get out of bed, groom ourselves, and get out the door.  Doing so makes us more resilient to feelings of depression.  For seniors great ways to have purpose is to volunteer, get involved in hobbies such as yoga, tai chi, or even playing cards.  Another great approach is giving them a plant to take care of.  It gives them a chore that offers responsibility and meaning.

7. Talk To Professionals

Living with depression is no way to live.  If your parent or parents are suffering and none of these tips are helping, talk to doctors and other health professionals. Mental health professionals understand strategies and medications that can promote a better quality of life.  Keep an eye out for changes in behavior and decreased appetite.

8. Consider Assisted Living

Your healthcare professionals may suggest that your parent consider moving into an assisted living community.  These communities help monitor prescriptions, have loads of social activities, promote an active lifestyle, and provide well balanced meals.  Staff also has the ability to help monitor changes in appetite and mood.

Assisted Living Services

If your parent isn’t sleeping, eating, or getting out there’s a good chance they are suffering from depression.  It can be a big job for adult children of seniors to manage their jobs, children, and homes and take care of their senior parents.  Assisted living communities offer the care they need and a chance to overcome feelings of isolation to beat depression.  In addition the activities, well balanced meals, and help with prescription medications all help support a better mood and minimize depression.  Call to find out more about assisted living communities we operate in Arizona.

Call 480-348-0300 or Contact Us