Written by craig braddick

Independent Living Benefits


Living in an independent living community is a perfect option for seniors who can still do their daily tasks but who are looking for added benefits that are found in senior living communities. Here are some examples of the benefits independent living communities has to offer.

Living in an independent living community is a perfect option for seniors who can still do their daily tasks but who are looking for added benefits that are found in senior living communities. Here are some examples of the benefits independent living communities has to offer.

Maintenance-Free Living

One of the greatest upsides of independent living is freedom from the day to day tasks associated with homeownership. Your loved one will no longer be responsible for taking care of the yard or repairing a running toilet. Maintenance and housekeeping employees are available to take on these and other tasks so they can focus on other aspects of their life.

All-Inclusive Rent

Days of numerous bills are long gone. In an independent living community, every bill – think utilities, rent, and even the cable bill — are combined into one, easy, monthly payment.
The general cost of moving into an independent living community can additionally be financially beneficial. If your loved one is downsizing from their present home, independent living can help decrease their monthly spending and allow them to use their money in other ways.

Proper Nutrition

One of the greatest concerns as people get older is not eating right if it is from the food quality or from not receiving the right nutrients.
It could be for dietary reasons because they don’t want to cook, or both, seniors in independent living can add on meal services. Specifically, Canyon Winds Retirement Community is staffed with a high caliber chef who prepares fresh meals every day. In addition to cooking with quality ingredients, dietary requirements – like low sodium – can also be fulfilled. A lot of independent communities also employ dietitians with an emphasis on senior nutrition and can be an invaluable resource to guarantee that they are eating healthy.

Private Living, With A Community Setting

An additional benefit of independent living is the harmony between enjoying their privacy but also participating in an active community. From joining the multiple activities taking place around the community every day to being involved in on meal service, to taking advantage of exercise rooms and other amenities, they can take advantage of everything the community has to offer as little or as much as they like.

Social Interactions

Getting older comes with uncommon challenges – One of them is making new friends. But living in an independent community means they’re surrounded by others in similar stages of life. And without additional responsibilities like home upkeep or grocery shopping to be concerned about — plus a team of employees who are committed to planning daily activities — making it easy to connect with like-minded people and take in the benefits of continual social interactions.


Benefits of Independent Living: Senior Living Options.” StoryPoint, 15 Mar. 2019, https://www.storypoint.com/benefits-independent-living/.

Find Quality Assisted Living Care With SLS Communities

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Strength Training For Older Adults

Strength Training For Older Adults

From time to time we feature an interview that is worth quoting in full. Such an interview is one with Dr. Roger Fielding on Strength Training for Older Adults. Below is the text from the interview at the News In Health website. You can find the original at: https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2020/03/dr-roger-fielding-strength-training-older-adults

Disclaimer: You should speak with a medical professional before undergoing any exercise regime. Use proper safety precautions and have assistance available when you exercise.

NIHNiH: Are the benefits of strength training different for different age groups?

Fielding: The benefits of strength training across the lifespan are relatively similar. But as people get older, there’s a progressive decline in the amount of muscle mass and muscle strength.

So as we age, I think it’s even more important to consider incorporating some strength training into our physical activity routine, to either slow down the progression of that decline or to some extent prevent it from occurring.

NIHNiH: How does strength training help older adults live independently?

Fielding: There’s a very close relationship between the loss of muscle strength with aging and the development of mobility limitations and poor physical functioning. As people lose muscle mass and muscle strength, they begin to develop problems with their ability to walk, their ability to get up from a chair, to climb a flight of stairs. And those changes can reach a point where people lose their ability to be living independently.

Interventions that can prevent that loss in muscle mass and strength as people age may be able to delay or prevent people from losing their independence.… The most robust type of exercise training to prevent the loss of muscle strength and the loss of muscle mass is strength training.

NIHNiH: What would you say to an older adult who feels unsure about how to start strength training?

Fielding: The first thing to remember is that some exercise or a little bit of exercise or physical activity is better than no exercise and no physical activity. So anything you can do is going to have benefits that are real and sustainable.

More and more, there are programs at local gymnasiums, local health clubs, and accessible gyms like the YMCA and other organizations that are very targeted for older people. So if people are intimidated, I would suggest they look to see if there are programs like that in their community that might be more friendly and more accessible and welcoming to their age and their demographic.

There are also some strength training activities that can be done with things like ankle weights, or using your body weight and a chair. So there are some strength training activities that don’t really require specialized equipment or going to a gymnasium, that people can do to start off with.

They may ultimately progress to getting strong enough that they might want to go to a gym or a community program where there’s a bit more challenge. But there are certainly things that you can do in your home that are very scalable and accessible that don’t involve going to the gym.

NIHNiH: What are some tips for staying motivated with a new strength-training program?

Fielding: Ask yourself: Why do you want to do this? Like, you want to go on a four-mile hike or be able to play in the yard with your grandchildren or start playing a sport again. Goal setting can be really useful in trying to keep people motivated to stay with a program of physical activity.

It’s also important to find something that you really like to do and can make part of your daily routine, activities, or behaviors. If you’re somebody who absolutely loathes going to the gym, signing up for a gym membership is not going to be the right strategy for you. But getting some hand weights and some ankle weights that you can use at home, in a place where you’re very comfortable, may be something that’s going to get you motivated to start.

Some people really like to exercise with a friend or partner, or with a group of people. In that case, finding someone that you want to embark on a strength training program with can also be a really good way to keep you adherent and keep you motivated. The important thing is finding something that works for you.

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300

Written by craig braddick

Retiring In Arizona Pro’s and Con’s

Arizona does have a little bit higher cost of living (just slightly) than most other states. Once reading through the pros and cons listed below, you will see for yourself that Arizona offers more of the pros than they offer cons. Decide for yourself if the very few cons would be worth living in Arizona, we think that you will. To balance out the disadvantage of the few cons Arizona has, one could always take-up residents in one of the towns in our state which offers a much lower cost of housing, even lower than the average.

Best Places to Retire In AZ

Pro 1. No Other State Offers As Many Sunny Days To Enjoy As Arizona.

Are you a person that dreads waking-up to a cloudy day? Or do you prefer waking-up to sunny days, where you can enjoy them all day long? News flash, Arizona is the only state in the entire nation that allows you to experience so many sunny days in a year, and that comes straight from the mouth of the NOAA (The United States National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration). That’s absolutely correct, if you relocate to Arizona you will be able to enjoy more sunny days than you would be living in the Sunshine State of Florida.

Pro 2. More Comfort Due To The Lower Humidity

There is a scientist who studies ‘Human Conditions’ that are telling us now that all humans have comfort zones that are similar to one another when the humidity is involved. In fact, they are saying that when the humidity level falls below 60%, it is when humans feel the most comfortable. Of course, that goes to say that, ‘humidity levels above 60% makes humans feel uncomfortable, with a muggy feeling about them’. That’s what’s so great about living in Arizona, knowing that you’ll not have to go through muggy days from high humidity, in fact, Arizona is known for having the lowest humidity throughout the year than all of the other states in this country, and that is according to the NOAA. Naturally, it is much easier to enjoy a ray of sunshine if you do not have to cope with high humidity at the same time.

Pro 3. Arizona Offers Their Residents Fewer Burdens When It Comes To Taxes Than Most Of The Other States

Arizona residents will also be allowed to keep more of the income they make for themselves, unlike most other states. Personal income tax is not the only means in which a state can collect money from its citizens. All states that have alcoholic beverages tax may use it differently, including the gasoline taxes, among so many other means of ranking in their revenue. For instance, the fees citizens are charged for registering a vehicle, and for maintaining the privilege of having a driver’s license.

Pro 4. It Appears That Living In Arizona Makes For A Happier Life!

We base our opinion on an analysis that we have done through different studies, including polling, with that said, facts show that the residents of Arizona live happier lives than the residents in most of the other states.

Pro 5. Healthcare Quality

Arizona offers better quality healthcare than most of the other states.

Pro 6. Low Cost of Living

According to BestPlaces, Arizona is cheaper than the US average. Studios cost about $701 compared to the national average of $821. 1 bedroom cost about $806 compared to the national average of $930 per month. 2 bedrooms cost $1,011 compared to the national average of $1,148. 3 bedrooms cost $1,454 in Arizona compared to the national average of $1,537. 4 bedrooms in Arizona cost $1,668 compared to the US average of $1,791.

Pro 7. Work Opportunities

The booming industrial market in Arizona leaves room for plenty of job opportunities. Continuing to work gives a sense of purpose and helps you stay active.

Pro 8. Sporting Events

Spring training in Arizona is huge. With 10 stadiums, 15 MLB teams, and 75-degree temperatures, Arizona is the perfect place to enjoy spring training.

Pro 9. No Mowing Lawns

Arizona doesn’t have as much grass as many other states do which means you won’t have to mow your yard very often.

Pro 10. The economy is on the Rise

In 2009, the unemployment rate in Arizona was about 11.2%. As of April 2015, Arizona’s unemployment rate dropped to 6%.

Pro 11. Breathtaking Scenery

Arizona has some of the best sunsets and sunrises most people have seen. Arizona is perfect for outdoorsy people who love hiking and generally being outdoors.

Pro 12. World’s Premier Golf Destination

Arizona is a great place for retirees that love golf. According to GolfArizona, “Few would dispute that Arizona, with golf-rich cities such as Scottsdale and Phoenix is one of the world’s premier golf destinations“.

Retiring in Arizona Cons

  1. Higher Crime Rate
  2. Hot Weather
  3. Haboobs and Monsoons 
  4. Snowbirds 

Con 1. Another Con Is That Arizona Has A Higher Crime Rate Than Most States

According to the reports the police department has been giving the FBI, Arizona’s crime rate is a bit higher than many of the other states. This is a disadvantage that one doesn’t have to worry about if they live in one of the low crime or no crime vicinity, where they will also find lower than the average on property tax rates.

Con 2. Compared To Other States, Arizona Offers A Good Quality Of Life

Arizona is one of the few states to offer a little bit more of the warmer weather (which is desirable by most) in the winter months, and the rest of the year offers hot weather, lots of sunshine, with great humidity levels for one’s health. Also, Arizona summers usually give much more of the nice weather than the usual three months this is certainly the case in the lower parts of the state. Although the winter months may offer perfect weather, the rest of the year offers very hot weather, which might not work out for all.

Con 3. Haboobs and Monsoons

Arizona’s monsoon season from June 15th to September 1st brings nasty storms. Monsoons are usually followed by a haboob, which is another word for a huge dust storm.

Con 4. Snowbirds

Arizona has great weather even in the wintertime which many snowbirds to the state when the weather starts getting colder in their home state. The state does get a little overpopulated and traffic increases significantly.

SLS Retirement Communities

We have 4 locations open and another location under construction in the state of Arizona which offer a variety of services and living arrangements. From independent living to fully assisted living we complement our services with highly sought after amenities including memory care.  See below for the locations we currently have available.

Written by craig braddick

Music Seniors Love

Music Seniors Love

According to Carelinx, many seniors love music and their tastes can vary. Here are some of their recommendations for different age groups.

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Five Tips For Seniors In Arizona Summers

How Seniors Can Keep Healthy This Summer

Read on to learn of some ways Arizona Seniors can stay healthy in summer!

Alcohol Avoidance and Prescriptions

Sitting poolside in Phoenix is always fun with a cocktail in hand, but it may cause dehydration.  Also, it’s important to remember that dehydration is a side effect of many common prescription drugs for seniors.

Limit Use Of The Oven Or Stove

During the summer months your air conditioner probably runs all day long.  However, when cooking in the stove or oven heats the surrounding environment, regardless if the air conditioner is on.  Try to eat raw foods, salads, or even microwaved foods, in order to avoid overheating your home.


Sunburns last longer than heat exhaustion because they physically alter your body and can easily result in a heat stroke, especially when located in areas around the head and neck.  Be sure to wear higher SPF sunscreen and reapply often.

Inside Parking

Try and park in a garage, or at the very least, under a shaded area.  Heat strokes can occur among the elderly in a matter of minutes. We also recommend running the air conditioning for at least 5 minutes while the car is in park, and before you steer out on the hot black asphalt.


Food with heavy salt levels such as nuts, processed foods, pretzels, and tortilla chips, can increase the chance of dehydration.  Stay away from salty foods during the hot summer months.

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Classic Movies Popular With Seniors

Netflix Movies For SeniorsHere are some films on Netflix currently popular with seniors. Read on to learn more.

Dirty Dozen (1967)

Good World War II movie about a special force made up of unlikely characters to carry out a dangerous mission.

Casablanca (1942)

A complicated love story set in early World War II Africa.

The Magnficent Seven (1960)

Classic old fashioned “good guys versus bad guys” western – starring film greats like Steve McQueen and Yul Brynner.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)

Inspirational romance, drama, and hope for democracy. Starring Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur.

Singing in the Rain (1952)

Fun musical about love and the new era of motion pictures. Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds.

The King and I (1957)

A Rodgers and Hammerstein musical production about a woman coming to Bangkok to teach English to a royal family.

The Sound of Music (1965)

An upbeat classic musical – all the songs will be familiar!

Bringing up Baby (1938)

Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant in a funny comedy with tons of hilarious adventures.


Source: https://www.sageminder.com/Caregiving/CaregivingBasics/ActivitiesforSeniors/MoviesforSeniors.aspx

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Netflix Movies Popular With Seniors

Netflix Movies For SeniorsHere are some films on Netflix currently popular with seniors. Read on to learn more.

Driving Miss Daisy (1989)

Set in her ways, Miss Daisy, a recent widow, needs help getting around by car.  Heartwarming and funny relationship develops between her and her driver.

On Golden Pond (1981)

A story about family – a Classic!

Out of Africa (1985)

Meryl Streep and Robert Redford in an Epic romance in the breathtaking scenery of colonial Africa.

All the President’s Men (1976)

A movie about how two reporters unraveled the Watergate conspiracy – starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford.

Hachi – A Dog’s Tale (2009)

A heartwarming tale of man’s best friend, based on a true story of a dog named Hachiko.

Walk The Line (2005)

The story of Johnny Cash and his rise to fame. Great music and story.

Shadowlands (1993)

A British film about C.S. Lewis and the love of his life, American Poet, Joy Davidman. Based on true story.

The Help (2011)

Realities of race and women in the deep south in the early 1960’s.

The King’s Speech (2010)

Based on a true story of Britain’s King George VI and his triumph over his own speech impediment.

Lincoln (2012)

True story of one of America’s most beloved presidents during one of the most dramatic time periods in our history.

To Dance With The White Dog (1994)

A story of a widower working through his grief over the loss of his beloved Cora.

Source: https://www.sageminder.com/Caregiving/CaregivingBasics/ActivitiesforSeniors/MoviesforSeniors.aspx

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

How Seniors Can Keep Healthy This Summer

How Seniors Can Keep Healthy This Summer

Although COVID-19 precautions take priority, here are some other ways senior can enjoy the summer in a healthy manner. Read on to learn more.


30 minutes a day of keeping your body moving to stay fit can help all seniors! Try new types of exercises, such as low impact aerobic exercises. The water helps to stabilize the body and strengthen the muscles. It’s a great option for those with osteoporosis because it reduces your risk of a bone fracture. Taking part in new exercises is a great way to meet new friends.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can lead to heat stroke, which can be life threatening if it’s not treated. As people age it can become more difficult for their bodies to regulate their internal temperature. Senior’s may not feel thirsty, but it’s important to keep track of how much water they are drinking. Also, certain medications can lead to further effects of dehydration. All of these things leads to the importance of staying cool and hydrated. They should discuss with a doctor how much fluids they should be drinking a day. In the hot months seniors should have access to an AC system for efficient cooling down.

Enjoy The Outdoors

This super vitamin helps in keeping your bones strong. Have fun outside walking your dog, having a picnic, or playing with your grandchildren at a park. While spending time out and about make sure to protect your skin with sunscreen. Seniors are more vulnerable to the sun’s rays because of their thinning skin. Other forms of protection are wearing cotton shirts, pants, hats, and sunglasses. When out walking wear stabilizing shoes and beware of insect bites.

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Video Games Seniors Like

Video Games Seniors Like

Incredibly the first generation of video gamer’s are now in their 60’s and 70’s and up to 25 percent of current seniors enjoy playing video games of various sorts and that number continues to grow. Read on to learn more.

AARP says that 38 percent of all 50-plus adults play video games. And 43 percent of gamers over the age of 60 play video games every day. So there’s clearly a lot to love about this type of entertainment, regardless of your age.

Video games offer a form of visual and auditory engagement that most other kinds of games can’t match. Many of them provide truly thrilling experiences as well as opportunities to connect with other players (of all ages). They are downright fun.

But here’s something you should definitely know: Some electronic game developers claim that their “brain training” products can improve your brain health and cognitive performance. However, their marketing is often misleading. The science behind brain-training games is controversial at best. Many of the world’s top psychologists and neuroscientists say that there is little or no solid evidence to support claims that certain kinds of video games can improve a senior’s overall mental faculties.

The truth is that so-called “brain games” may not actually boost your cognitive abilities for everyday life nor prevent or slow down any brain-related diseases. Rather, by playing a game repeatedly, you’ll get better at the particular tasks for that game (and possibly other tasks that are very closely related to them). But you won’t necessarily get better at doing unrelated tasks in the “real world” outside of the game. If you really want to improve your brain health, you’re better off exercising, getting good sleep, and learning new things.

That said, if a video game is completely new to you, then your brain may benefit from the challenge of learning how to play it. And you can’t overlook the pure enjoyment factor. After all, having fun should be your top reason for playing any video game.

According to AARP, the most popular types of video games among older adults are card, tile, puzzle, and logic games. But a lot of seniors also enjoy strategy, role-playing, and action-oriented games. So try out several different kinds and see what you enjoy.

Most seniors play video games on their laptops or desktop computers. But you can also play games on a smartphone, digital tablet, handheld game console, or TV game console (such as the Nintendo Switch, Sony PlayStation, or Microsoft Xbox). Games for computers and mobile devices can often be downloaded for free or played online at no cost.

Source: https://www.greatseniorliving.com/articles/games-for-seniors#video-games

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

Written by craig braddick

Eight Birthday Tips For Seniors In Assisted Living

Eight Birthday Tips For Seniors In Assisted Living

Read on to learn more about how to celebrate birthdays with loved ones or friends in assisted living.


Singing can be fun for many people. Whether, Happy Birthday or just old favorites, getting a few people together to sing can often help everyone have a good time, even if they can’t physically join in.

Favorite Foods

Bring favorite foods for the occasion, even if the facility is loaded with treats. Each elder has favorite treats from home. Try to provide some for the elder and some for her to give as snacks to residents, staff and visitors. Many elders enjoy a chance to be a host or hostess.

Connecting With Other People

Hopefully, you already have made friends with staff, other residents and their families. That connection helps your loved one feel a part of a whole rather than left out of life. If your loved one is new to the center, this is a good time to get to know other families.


All of this celebrating doesn’t only wear down your elders. It can also be exhausting for the caregiver. You found help by choosing a good care center because your elders need more help than you, alone, can give. When party time is over, give yourself time to regenerate. You should be a better caregiver if you do.


It’s great for setting the mood. It also relaxes tension or promotes a festive feel, depending on the music chosen and the direction you need to go with the elder. Keep a CD player or an iPOD (with speaker) around so you can play their favorites.


Photos are wonderful for stirring memories. If you print copies of old photos, you won’t have to worry about loss or damage. If some can be enlarged without undue distortion, so much the better. Hang them on walls or put them in an album.

Over Stimulation

Be careful to not over stimulate someone with dementia. Keep an eye on the elders’ moods so you know when to stop the party or when you should help a particular elder back to his room if he needs a break. Too much commotion can get confusing and stressful for anyone in ill health, but particularly for someone confused by dementia. Celebrating should preferably end before stress is evident, but be alert in case you need to assist someone to a quieter area.


Join in the fun as much as your loved one can handle, but remember your own needs as well. If you have family members at home that need some of your time, then you have to balance both worlds. Give your loved ones in the care center your attention and contribute to their good time, then leave them in the good hands of staff and go back home to finish celebrating with the rest of your family.

If you’re looking for the very best assisted living in Phoenix; SLS Communities can help!  We have 5 locations in the Phoenix Valley that seniors and their families can choose from. With great amenities such as meticulously manicured landscaping, swimming pools, theater rooms, on-site salons, and much more! SLS Communities delivers today’s seniors the very best assisted living care services in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Check out our locations below

For more information about assisted living and senior living services please call 480-348-0300.

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